Emop team, from left to right: Anna Gianesini ( Rome ), Thomas Licek ( Vienna ) , Paul DiFelice ( Luxbg, ), Zuzanna Lapitkova ( Bratislava ), Berthold Ecker ( Vienna ) and Kathrin Kohle ( Berlin ); Jean-Luc Monteross ( Paris, not in the picture ) had to leave earlier. Olga Sviblova could not attend, she was curating the Russian pavillion at the Venice Biennale.
The summer meeting of the Emop Team in Rome proved more succesfull than expected. Although there were fears about the concept of the next exhibition ( Mutations 2 ), a two-day conference allowed for an in depth discussion about what was meant by an exhibition being about photographers but including video. Picture shows the beautiful parc around the Zone Attive offices near Porta Ardeatina.
Arendt & Medernach - an independant law firm based in Luxembourg with offices in London, Moscow, Dubai, New York and HongKong- are the main sponsors of the European Month of photography. Thanks to the generous support of Arendt & Medernach, the European Month of Photography network offers a new photography award: The “EUROPEAN MONTH OF PHOTOGRAPHY ARENDT AWARD”. This award will be granted every second year to one visual artist who is part of the common exhibitions the network is curating throughout Europe. The award, presented for the first time in Luxembourg in 2013, was granted to one of the 26 artists of the exhibition project “distURBANces” by the jury consisting of four curators: Gunda Achleitner (Vienna), Paul di Felice (Luxembourg), Katia Reich (Berlin) and Jean-Luc Soret (Paris), as well as Oliva María Rubio, exhibition director of Spanish “La Fabrica”.
This year, the jury awarded Dionisio González for his work reflecting the pertinence of the artist’s achievements in relation to the theme, high photographic quality, as well as a coherent artistic approach.