Saturday, 13 March 2010

Vienna meeting

Finally the meeting was much more satisfying than expected. Not only were we able to find a workable compromise for our common budget. We were also able to have a consensus on some interesting artists and their web projects

Vienna meeting

Friday, 12 March 2010

Vienna meeting

Emop meeting vienna

Emiliano's birthday ; he gets spécial attention n'y Zuzana who takes care of his birthday cake

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Berlin January meeting or Emop

First meeting of the year. Everybody was present except for Olga and Ekatarina of Moscow. We look at about 50 proposals for our Mutations 3 exhibitions.Somewhat frustrating meeting with no final conclusions. Money matters and we will meet again in Vienna beginning of march and try to settle things.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Berlin City Hall after our meeting

First meeting of the year; temperatures well below zero and real
snow. The Berlin city hall looks cold.